The Ultimate Presale Guide - Digital Download
Hey cookie lady! Do you want to offer your community holiday cookies, but you aren't sure where to start? Or maybe you've done this before, but just need a little help with staying on track? Well, you're in the right place!
In this guide, I'm going to walk you through the entire process for preparing a presale, what I typically offer, and all of the supplies that you'll need! BONUS: I even made you some planning worksheets to help you along the way!
If you're on Instagram - take a peek at my highlight called "presale prep". In this highlight, I show behind-the-scenes photography set up for your website photos, website set-up using GoDaddy Online Store, and I touch on some packaging tips!
What we'll go over:
- Presale Prep Checklist
- What is a presale?
- Presale vs Pop-Up
- Communicating with Customers
- Making the Commitment
- Making a Budget
- Supplies List
- Things to Offer/Menu Creation
- Guidelines for Making Samples
- How to Determine Pricing w/ Examples
- Cookie Photography Do's & Don'ts
- How to Stage Photos
- Creating an Order Form
- Accepting Payment
- Pick Up Times & Locations
- The Baking Process
- Packaging & Order Prep
- Managing Pick Ups
Also included are printables & planner pages to help you along the way!
Presale Planner, Bake List, and Icing Prep Sheet.
Thank you Cookie Cards, Thank you Name Tags, Cookie Care Instructions Card